About me

Hi, thanks for visiting my website! This site used academicpages.github.io as a template. It’s still under construction, and I am gradually adding more contents.

My name is (last name: xià) (first name: lìyǔ). You might know me by Jimmy. Don’t worry! You are at the right place. I go by Jimmy because it’s just much easier for everyone. I would still appreciate it if you try to pronouce my real first name!

I obtained my undergraduate degrees in Pure Mathematics and Computational Mathematics from the University of Chicago in 2016. Currently I am a PhD candidate in Applied Mathematics at UC Berkeley, working with Dr. Anne Collins on using computational modeling and behavioral approaches to answer questions regarding how humans learn and generalize prior knowledge. Here is my CV.

I use the word ‘hierarchical’ a lot, in the sense of hierarchical reinforcement learning and hierarchical modeling with STAN.

If my work seems of interest to you, you should check out our lab website. If you are social justice minded, you should also check out my husband’s website.

Finally, here is a quote that I really like:

We can only see a short distance ahead,

but we can see plenty there that needs to be done.

— Alan Turing, Computing Machinery and Intelligence